What to Expect IN Plainfield IN

Have you considered seeing a chiropractor in Plainfield IN? We've laid out the steps of our new patient process for you.
New Patient Process in Plainfield IN
Step One:
Our new patient process involves a detailed health history consultation, spinal exam, any necessary X-Rays, and a doctor's report of findings with chiropractic corrective care recommendations spread out over two preliminary visits. This process allows Drs. Franco to take the time to personally review your exams and design a highly individualized care plan between those two appointments. Our process is incredibly thorough, and every single step is designed to achieve comfort and results!
Step Two:
A one-on-one consultation will be conducted to discuss your questions and concerns, followed by a thorough overview of your health history, current status, and long term goals for care and uncover the layers of past damage/trauma and to help determine the cause of your health issues.

Step Three:
A comprehensive chiropractic evaluation and spinal exam testing will be performed to further determine the subluxation processes going on in your spine. It also gives us a baseline for future tests so we can accurately measure your progress to see how your spine is correcting and your nervous system is functioning. Using these examination procedures is much more accurate than just depending on “how you feel” on any given day. Additionally, a short physical assessment will be performed utilizing both motion and static palpation (palpation means to assess with your hands) to explore the alignment of your spine and other structures, as well as provide information on any stimuli that may cause pain or discomfort.
Step Four:
The doctor will advise you if additional tests are needed including any Chiropractic Postural Specific X-rays. X-rays give us important information including the position of the spinal bones, and the quality of the spine and safety of adjusting it. X-rays also tell us the relative length of time subluxations may have been involved in your spine.

Commonly, most patients receive three spinal X-rays at the beginning of care.The Doctors will then take quality time to review your x-rays to analyze for vertebral subluxation and spinal misalignment. The results will be discussed at your next appointment, the Doctors Report of Findings.
Step Five:
This is your most important appointment! A Doctors Report of Findings will be conducted, at which time the cause of your current condition will be discussed. We’ll explain the care plan designed for you and the reasoning behind the recommendations. If you make health care or financial decisions with a loved one, please bring them to this appointment.
Step Six:
If you choose to receive the care recommended, adjustments can begin right away, and you can start the journey to achieving optimal health and on the path to achieving your God-given health potential!
Our Chiropractic Care utilizes the most modern chiropractic analytical, and adjustive procedures and equipment available. Vertebral subluxations are a serious threat to the quality and quantity of your health and that of your family. It is therefore imperative that we utilize the most modern, and the well-established time-proven procedures to help you.

We feel you’re worth it!
The core values that drive everything what we do
We Focus on YOU
If you are like most people, when you think of chiropractic care, you think about your spine. Relief from neck pain and back pain are the main reasons that most people seek a chiropractor in Hendricks County.
However, good chiropractic care enhances the health of your entire body at Flow of Life Chiropractic, we consider how the human body functions as a whole. In particular, we focus on the nervous system, because it is the master control center for the body.
Flow of Life Commitment to Improve Your Health
Once we have created a complete picture of your health and the alignment of your spine, we will create a customized corrective care plan with your specific recommendations for spinal and neurological correction.Over the course of corrective care, your spine will ideally have improved range of motion and mechanics, which will decrease the pressure and tension in your nervous system. Through chiropractic care, we can not only help our practice members become free of pain, but we help them achieve a life of optimum health!
We Take A Different Approach
We work closely with you to get to the root of your pain and your health problems. We know many people who want to avoid prescription medications or invasive procedures. Instead, they decide to try chiropractic care first, and look to chiropractic care to help them achieve optimum health.
Why Choose Us
We are focused on serving our patients and helping them achieve optimum health through regular chiropractic care! Imagine waking up in the morning not only pain free, but also feeling refreshed and finishing the day with energy and vigor, playing with your kids or spending quality intimate time with your spouse.
You are more than just a number on a chart at Flow of Life Chiropractic in Plainfield IN. Call us today at (317) 426-6853 and start your path to a healthier you!
10:00am - 12:30pm
4:00pm - 6:00pm
4:00pm - 6:30pm
10:00am - 12:30pm
10:00am - 12:30pm
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Flow of Life Chiropractic
5012 Cambridge Way #151
Plainfield, IN 46168